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Situation: You are in a crowded, dense mall with elevator sounds going off, people everywhere having a variety of conversations, some in a nasty tone, etc … It is a low energy environment with bad smells and such (depending on which mall you go to of course).

The brain lowers it’s function in order to filter out these frequencies that are intolerable if you were to be in peak supreme consciousness, aware of every single detail then, every possibility possible in the future, every past act that occured in that space or resulting of the observations you observed in that environment. It simply is too much to handle.

The hypothesis that high energy areas (e.g, nature) are high energy might possibly be wrong. Yes they are places where you definitely can obtain a higher frequency, however, it might simply because it lacks the elements that trigger the brain to tune down to a lower perception in order not to overload the mind with things that can be harmful to the mind (negative energies, negative people, projections of negativity and other past bad things that have accumulated energy within a particular space).

So, my hypothesis is, remove the elements that trigger your system to function at a lower level. Ie, impurities. Stay pure. Stay purified. Minimize distractions and unwanted frequencies. Be aware and focus on what makes you happy, great, pleasured, pleased or abundant. Focus on the good things. Focus on what you want. Purity of thought. So important. For thought is the creator of all things and we are blessed as creators, capable of thought and moulding reality as we wish. Thought leads to word. Word leads to action. Action determines fate. Make it a good one. Or a great one. Up to you my friends. Cheers. Namaste. Peace be with you. And me. 😉

Today ladies and gentlemen, I am going to be talking about ‘Dreamboards’. What are dreamboards you might ask. Well, thank you for asking! Dreamboards can be one of the best tools to help you get what you want. Do you have a magazine in which you saw a scene that you were pleased with or want to have in your life? Well dreamboards can help you achieve that.

Dreamboards are basically a tool for visually affirming something. It’s basically a large paper backing board made from cardboard or a material of your choice, with visual images of scenes you desire. You could use cut-outs from magazines or print-outs from the internet as an example. The images could be anything from a scenic holiday in the alps with your family to a sports car to a new home, clothes or any other positive visual scenario.

Dreambooks are another alternative and perhaps more private. If however you are a student and have your own room, you could use the wall which is basically the most kick ass method of having a ‘dream board’ in place. My room used to be covered totally with dream visuals. It was utopian. I remember waking up every day in that room and feeling automatically directed as to where to go or what to do. It really is like calibrating the compass for your own ship. After all, we really are our own captains. The sea is vast and diverse. We are born to explore. Land ho!

Tip: Try not to throw your dream images away when you move and such! They can be very important items.

All in all, if you are lacking time (or motivation) to do daily word affirmation exercises (which I highly recommend), visual dreamboards might be an alternative you might want to explore. If the power of the word is already so strong, how much stronger are visuals? Please leave some comments!

Yes, you heard me right. Sodium motherfuckin benzoate. Alongside Monosodium Glutamate, this ‘cleverly’ disguised ‘food preservative’ also known as E211 is known to cause cancer, affect brain function (it makes you stupid) alongside many other terrible side effects, culminating in unnatural death.

I’m not exaggerating. I think the FDA has abused public trust by allowing such terrible chemicals to leak into consumer products. Of course, this might all well be part of some orwellian scheme to reduce human population world-wide but I don’t think so because our world is perfect and our wonderful governments run it and really there is no veil that is shielding us from the truth.

Saying that, anything that is so-called ‘approved’ or given the righteous ‘safe for consumption’ mark from ‘the’ FDA is probably just about approved as my shit. Organic? Yes. Natural? Yes. Safe for consumption? I don’t think so. Unless you’re Japanese. Sorry, just had to include that Scat Joke. I’m not racist. I like Michael Jackson.

Microwave ovens, also cause cancer. Go look it up. But for now, just look at the shit your food contains. Why? Because it’s BETTER YOU KNOW.

We all have moments when we need that extra push to do something. It could be studying a chapter or doing some work. Or cleaning the house. A good way to get things done is to set a reward for yourself for when the task in question has been completed to satisfaction. Yep. SATISFACTION. This is what you will get when you complete that task and it will be amplified together with a rightful reward. It seems like a simple but effective way to amplify the enjoyment of something. For instance, watching a movie is more enjoyable if you reward yourself with that movie after say, completing an exam. When was the last time you rewarded yourself?

It is important to phrase affirmations in the now if you are going to do them right. Let’s take a look at two example affirmations: “I will be a happy.” and “I am a happy person.”

The first affirmation has somewhat of a subconsciously negative connotation as it implies to the affirmer that he/she is currently un-happy. Also, if the affirmer keeps repeating this, it will seem like an he/she is stuck in a endless state of wanting and not having reached the end-goal.

The second affirmation however programs a state of inner being into you, one that of happiness, as stated by the affirmation. From within, flowing outward to reality. See how that is better? Run through your regular affirmations and see if you can improve them with this simple but effective tip.

Recently, yours truly has been experiencing a phenomena whereby I know when a person is thinking about me. I have been getting a strange tingle on my skin which is directional to where the thought is coming from. For example, today, I was sitting alone in a very uncrowded area at work which I purposely moved to because there was’nt anybody there. I was working on my laptop for about 30 minutes when suddenly I felt a strange tingle on the back of my neck and shoulders, a bit towards the left. 1 second later I heard a familiar voice call out to me from exactly the same direction which I had experienced the sensation on my skin (back and to the left, like 7-8 o’clock). I think it sorta serves as some sort of radar. This has happened so many times, especially at work, that I am convinced that I have some sort of ESP. However I had a tingling in my balls today as well so I don’t know what the fuck that meant.

Apart from that, I also seem to have developed a super accute sense of hearing, which kicks in when people are talking about me. This might be selective super hearing, or simply clairaudience. I guess I’ll monitor these sensations carefully over the next few weeks… Initially I thought I was going fucking crazy.

It’s just a bit strange that I only get these at work, maybe it’s a little bit like spidey-sense… ESP kicks in when in an unfamiliar environment. Or perhaps the coffee at work is radioactive or something.

Last year I visited a fortune teller. Not really a fortune teller, some kind of psychic, based in Melbourne. She advised me to quit coffee. Hmm. I’m not quite sure how she knew I was a coffee fanatic. Maybe it was because I smelt like coffee beans or maybe I just looked plain dehydrated and cranky after my 3rd cup or so that day.

Anyway, I’ve been trying to quit coffee. Let me tell you, after day 2 or 3 of being caffeine free, a cup of coffee starts to smell real fuckin good. People who have tried to quit coffee (I’m talking about serious addicts here, with years of daily coffee drinking under their belt) will tell you about the gargantuous headaches and bodyaches which reduces their physical and mental agility to just about zero on about day 3 of no-coffee.

I have a thoery that these headaches and bodyaches are actually the result of years/months of accumulated toxins, sleep deprivation (or at least deep sleep deprivation) and the body’s way of trying to get the body to adjust itself to normality.

See, Caffeine (notice I still like it enough to spell it with a capital C) is a pretty effective painkiller. If you have been crouching at your desk the whole week doing computer stuff, naturally, if you don’t sit on a herman miller aero chair (which I heartily recommend), you’ll get a ass splitting mind fucking balls ripping neck or back ache. A standard ‘un-painkiller-ed’ bloke would just massage away the aches and pains at the end of the day, giving his/her body the tender lovin care it oh so needs. Now, what happens in the case of the 5-10 cup of joe a day bloke, who does’nt even feel these aches and pains as a result of caffeine blocking the pain? He just simply goes to sleep or does whatever other activity, simply unaware that his body is actually being strained. So when the viel of caffeine’s anti-pain effects are lifted and the reality of the body’s state is revealed, the 5-10 cuppa a day for everyday for 10 years guy gets the physiological equivalent of planet Nibiru colliding with Earth.

Obviously, the simplest solution is to reach for another cup of Joe, after all, it’s so damn convenient. If I were a dog I’d be pissed at why everywhere I go in the city I smell freakin coffee. But really, logically, the best thing to do should be to abstain from caffeine until the body reaches a wholesome state again, then again can coffee be used. Coffee should be an enhancer of an already awesome state, not an extender to a state (mental) that is fading due to lethargy.

When I first started my Coffee detox, it took me about 1-2 weeks of abstaining totally from caffeine, constant muscle aches which did not go away and week-long brain dead states just staring at the tv and not thinking or doing much at all, simply to reach ‘baseline’. Baseline here is defined as a state where I can feel decently okay and get normal daily chores done without the need to ingest Caffeine.

But I guess a detox once in a while is a good thing. Skin looks clearer and more ‘plump’, probably due to the re-hydration effect and energy is more stable throughout the day. Also, sleep comes easier and the best thing is the deep sleep, which is more regenerative than fickle sleep. I don’t know about you but the number one thing that makes me cranky, anti-social and feel like shit is a night of bad sleep. I remember my pre-caffeine days (very young age) where I used to wake up feeling charged and alive. In my relatively few caffeine-free days in my adult life, I have glimpsed this pleasant feeling of waking up recharged and relaxed. This usually occurs on day 3 in the no-caffeine zone.

I think the anti-anxiety effects of being Caffeine free is also one of the major pull factors of me considering quitting the brew. Sometimes, at work or in social situations I am a jittery, anxious and stressed out mess of a person. I guess chronic lack of sleep and days of multiple Caffeine infusions does that to you. I believe Caffeine stays in your system and is felt to a period of 3 days or so on average. At least on my system. Of course, the beneficial effects only last a couple of hours, but in terms of Caffeine being ‘felt’, I can feel it even the next day. I guess you have to experience being totally Caffeine free to know the difference.

I’ll leave you guys with one more theory on Caffeine muscle aches and why they happen and why getting a massage while having a caffeine withdrawal body ache is almost the best thing ever (the best thing ever is drinking a 100 plus at the end of a 5km run).

Caffeine muscle aches: This is toxin related. The lymphatic system in the body is the system in the body which channels white blood cells (essential for the immune system) to various parts of the body. However, unlike the artery, vein and capillary network which transports blood, the lymphatic system is stimulated only by physical movement and massage. Infact, deep tissue massage is a great way to get the lymphatic system moving. These aches and pains are the result of accumulated strains on the physical system in humans. Tend to these aches by giving yourself a good massage (get a foam roller, it’s awesome, I’ll elaborate this in another post) and it is almost certain that your body will be in better sync.

This post was written on day 2 of being in a no-caffeine zone.

I’ve been in a pissed off mood of late. This morning I called UOB bank’s credit card hotline to enquire about a credit card application. I just wanted to find out the status and I had to go through something like 20 menus of irritating automated voices. I think they use the same woman for every voice automation system there is because I recognize her on all of the systems, including singtel’s (which has to be the most retarded system ever, even worse than uob). Her voice is incredibly irritating. Slow, fake and with tinges of forced cheeriness. So finally after about 5 mins of pressing 1’s, 0’s and other assorted numbers, # keys, IC numbers, my phone number, etc I get a system response saying, “Thank you, we will get back to you in THREE DAYS”. WTF. Three days. I did’nt even get to speak to a human for the entire phonecall. What a crappy 1800 number.

Last night, I had a wierd ass dream. I don’t know if it was nice or scary. Here goes : I was dancing with a long golden haired goddess. I think for about 10 mins. And then I questioned if this was real. If she was real. So she replied before vanishing, yes I’m real, to prove it, you will find a lighter in the corner of the toilet. I then snapped out of the dream scene and found myself in another scene. A toilet. I scrambled to find the lighter in the toilet and to my surprise I found it. I thought the toilet scene was reality and I had just woken up but infact I was still dreaming. All of a sudden this disgusting china man pops out of nowhere and attempted to grab my lighter. He reminded me of smeegel in lord of the rings. As though the lighter was the ring, he wanted it that bad. Well he did’nt get it. And then the lighter suddenly became a half lighter, with a sharp stabbing point. I remember stabbing about 2 people with it. The next scene (unrelated?) I was in a dirty canal swimming in dirty water. Wierd shit happens in dreamland. Anyone care to interpret for me?

I’ve been noticing a funny trend. People who drink coke light are successful. I noticed that some of the most successful people that I consider successful (?) drink coke :

– Donald Trump, real estate guru and all round ass kicker (favourite drink is coke light, infact I think that’s all he drinks)

– Warren Buffett, richest man in the world (loves cherry coke, always has a cherry coke in his hand)

These guys

– Me (my favourite soft drink is coke light)